libTriton version 1.0 build 1592
No Matches
AArch64 SMT semantics supported

[internal] List of the supported semantics for the AArch64 architecture.

Mnemonic Description
ADC Add with Carry
ADCS Add with Carry, setting flags
ADD (extended register) Add (extended register)
ADD (immediate) Add (immediate)
ADD (shifted register) Add (shifted register)
ADDS (extended register) Add (extended register), setting flags
ADDS (immediate) Add (immediate), setting flags
ADDS (shifted register) Add (shifted register), setting flags
ADR Form PC-relative address
ADRP Form PC-relative address to 4KB page
AND (immediate) Bitwise AND (immediate)
AND (shifted register) Bitwise AND (shifted register)
ANDS (immediate) Bitwise AND (immediate), setting flags
ANDS (shifted register) Bitwise AND (shifted register), setting flags
ASR (immediate) Arithmetic Shift Right (immediate): an alias of SBFM
ASR (register) Arithmetic Shift Right (register): an alias of ASRV
B Branch
BFI Bit Field Insert
BFXIL Bitfield extract and insert at low end: an alias of BFM
BIC Bitwise Bit Clear
BICS Bitwise Bit Clear, setting flags
BL Branch with Link
BLR Branch with Link to Register
BR Branch to Register
BRK Breakpoint instruction
CBNZ Compare and Branch on Nonzero
CBZ Compare and Branch on Zero
CCMP (immediate) Conditional Compare (immediate)
CCMP (register) Conditional Compare (register)
CINC Conditional Increment: an alias of CSINC
CLZ Count Leading Zeros
CMN (extended register) Compare Negative (extended register): an alias of ADDS (extended register)
CMN (immediate) Compare Negative (immediate): an alias of ADDS (immediate)
CMN (shifted register) Compare Negative (shifted register): an alias of ADDS (shifted register)
CMP (extended register) Compare (extended register): an alias of SUBS (extended register)
CMP (immediate) Compare (immediate): an alias of SUBS (immediate)
CMP (shifted register) Compare (shifted register): an alias of SUBS (shifted register)
CNEG Conditional Negate returns: an alias of CSNEG
CSEL Conditional Select
CSET Conditional Set: an alias of CSINC
CSINC Conditional Select Increment
CSNEG Conditional Select Negation
EON (shifted register) Bitwise Exclusive OR NOT (shifted register)
EOR (immediate) Bitwise Exclusive OR (immediate)
EOR (shifted register) Bitwise Exclusive OR (shifted register)
EXTR EXTR: Extract register
FMOV Floating-point Move register without conversion.
LD3 (multiple structure) Load multiple 3-element structures to three registers.
LD3R Load single 3-element structure and Replicate to all lanes of three registers.
LD4 (multiple structure) Load multiple 4-element structures to four registers.
LD4R Load single 4-element structure and Replicate to all lanes of four registers.
LDAR Load-Acquire Register
LDARB Load-Acquire Register Byte
LDARH Load-Acquire Register Halfword
LDAXR Load-Acquire Exclusive Register
LDAXRB Load-Acquire Exclusive Register Byte
LDAXRH Load-Acquire Exclusive Register Halfword
LDNP Load Pair of Registers with non-temporal hint
LDP Load Pair of Registers
LDPSW Load Pair of Registers Signed Word
LDR (immediate) Load Register (immediate)
LDR (literal) Load Register (literal)
LDR (register) Load Register (register)
LDRB (immediate) Load Register Byte (immediate)
LDRB (register) Load Register Byte (register)
LDRH (immediate) Load Register Halfword (immediate)
LDRH (register) Load Register Halfword (register)
LDRSB (immediate) Load Register Signed Byte (immediate)
LDRSB (register) Load Register Signed Byte (register)
LDRSH (immediate) Load Register Signed Halfword (immediate)
LDRSH (register) Load Register Signed Halfword (register)
LDRSW (immediate) Load Register Signed Word (immediate)
LDRSW (literal) Load Register Signed Word (literal)
LDRSW (register) Load Register Signed Word (register)
LDTR Load Register (unprivileged)
LDTRB Load Register Byte (unprivileged)
LDTRH Load Register Halfword (unprivileged)
LDTRSB Load Register Signed Byte (unprivileged)
LDTRSH Load Register Signed Halfword (unprivileged)
LDTRSW Load Register Signed Word (unprivileged)
LDUR Load Register (unscaled)
LDURB Load Register Byte (unscaled)
LDURH Load Register Halfword (unscaled)
LDURSB Load Register Signed Byte (unscaled)
LDURSH Load Register Signed Halfword (unscaled)
LDURSW Load Register Signed Word (unscaled)
LDXP Load Exclusive Pair of Registers
LDXR Load Exclusive Register
LDXRB Load Exclusive Register Byte
LDXRH Load Exclusive Register Halfword
LSL (immediate) Logical Shift Left (immediate): an alias of UBFM
LSL (register) Logical Shift Left (register): an alias of LSLV
LSR (immediate) Logical Shift Right (immediate): an alias of UBFM
LSR (register) Logical Shift Right (register): an alias of LSRV
MADD Multiply-Add
MNEG Multiply-Negate: an alias of MSUB
MOV (bitmask immediate) Move (bitmask immediate): an alias of ORR (immediate)
MOV (register) Move (register): an alias of ORR (shifted register)
MOV (to/from SP) Move between register and stack pointer: an alias of ADD (immediate)
MOVI Move Immediate (vector)
MOVK Move wide with keep
MOVN Move wide with NOT
MOVZ Move shifted 16-bit immediate to register
MRS Move System Register to general-purpose register
MSR Move general-purpose register to System Register
MSUB Multiply-Subtract
MUL Multiply: an alias of MADD
MVN Bitwise NOT: an alias of ORN (shifted register)
NEG (shifted register) Negate (shifted register): an alias of SUB (shifted register)
NOP No Operation
ORN Bitwise OR NOT (shifted register)
ORR (immediate) Bitwise OR (immediate)
ORR (shifted register) Bitwise OR (shifted register)
RBIT Reverse Bits
RET Return from subroutine
REV Reverse Bytes
REV16 Reverse bytes in 16-bit halfwords
REV32 Reverse bytes in 32-bit words
REV64 Reverse Bytes: an alias of REV
ROR (immediate) Rotate right (immediate): an alias of EXTR
ROR (register) Rotate Right (register): an alias of RORV
RORV Rotate Right Variable
SBC Subtract with Carry
SBCS Subtract with Carry, setting flags
SBFX Signed Bitfield Extract: an alias of SBFM
SDIV Signed Divide
SMADDL Signed Multiply-Add Long
SMSUBL Signed Multiply-Subtract Long
SMULH Signed Multiply High
SMULL Signed Multiply Long: an alias of SMADDL
STLR Store-Release Register
STLRB Store-Release Register Byte
STLRH Store-Release Register Halfword
STLXR Store-Release Exclusive Register
STLXRB Store-Release Exclusive Register Byte
STLXRH Store-Release Exclusive Register Halfword
STNP Store Pair of Registers with non-temporal hint
STP Store Pair of Registers
STR (immediate) Store Register (immediate)
STR (register) Store Register (register)
STRB (immediate) Store Register Byte (immediate)
STRB (register) Store Register Byte (register)
STRH (immediate) Store Register Halfword (immediate)
STRH (register) Store Register Halfword (register)
STTR Store Register (unprivileged)
STTRB Store Register Byte (unprivileged)
STTRH Store Register Halfword (unprivileged)
STUR Store Register (unscaled)
STURB Store Register Byte (unscaled)
STURH Store Register Halfword (unscaled)
STXP Store Exclusive Pair or Registers
STXR Store Exclusive Register
STXRB Store Exclusive Register Byte
STXRH Store Exclusive Register Halfword
SUB (extended register) Subtract (extended register)
SUB (immediate) Subtract (immediate)
SUB (shifted register) Subtract (shifted register)
SUBS (extended register) Subtract (extended register), setting flags
SUBS (immediate) Subtract (immediate), setting flags
SUBS (shifted register) Subtract (shifted register), setting flags
SVC Supervisor Call
SXTB Signed Extend Byte: an alias of SBFM
SXTH Sign Extend Halfword: an alias of SBFM
SXTW Sign Extend Word: an alias of SBFM
TBNZ Test bit and Branch if Nonzero
TBZ Test bit and Branch if Zero
TST (immediate) Test bits (immediate): an alias of ANDS (immediate)
TST (shifted register) Test (shifted register): an alias of ANDS (shifted register)
UBFIZ Unsigned Bitfield Insert in Zero: an alias of UBFM
UBFX Unsigned Bitfield Extract: an alias of UBFM
UDIV Unsigned Divide
UMADDL Unsigned Multiply-Add Long
UMNEGL Unsigned Multiply-Negate Long: an alias of UMSUBL
UMOV Unsigned Move vector element to GPR
UMSUBL Unsigned Multiply-Subtract Long
UMULH Unsigned Multiply High
UMULL Unsigned Multiply Long: an alias of UMADDL
UXTB Unsigned Extend Byte: an alias of UBFM
UXTH Unsigned Extend Halfword: an alias of UBFM