libTriton version 1.0 build 1592
[internal] List of the supported semantics for the AArch64 architecture.
Mnemonic | Description |
ADC | Add with Carry |
ADCS | Add with Carry, setting flags |
ADD (extended register) | Add (extended register) |
ADD (immediate) | Add (immediate) |
ADD (shifted register) | Add (shifted register) |
ADDS (extended register) | Add (extended register), setting flags |
ADDS (immediate) | Add (immediate), setting flags |
ADDS (shifted register) | Add (shifted register), setting flags |
ADR | Form PC-relative address |
ADRP | Form PC-relative address to 4KB page |
AND (immediate) | Bitwise AND (immediate) |
AND (shifted register) | Bitwise AND (shifted register) |
ANDS (immediate) | Bitwise AND (immediate), setting flags |
ANDS (shifted register) | Bitwise AND (shifted register), setting flags |
ASR (immediate) | Arithmetic Shift Right (immediate): an alias of SBFM |
ASR (register) | Arithmetic Shift Right (register): an alias of ASRV |
B | Branch |
BFI | Bit Field Insert |
BFXIL | Bitfield extract and insert at low end: an alias of BFM |
BIC | Bitwise Bit Clear |
BICS | Bitwise Bit Clear, setting flags |
BL | Branch with Link |
BLR | Branch with Link to Register |
BR | Branch to Register |
BRK | Breakpoint instruction |
CBNZ | Compare and Branch on Nonzero |
CBZ | Compare and Branch on Zero |
CCMP (immediate) | Conditional Compare (immediate) |
CCMP (register) | Conditional Compare (register) |
CINC | Conditional Increment: an alias of CSINC |
CLZ | Count Leading Zeros |
CMN (extended register) | Compare Negative (extended register): an alias of ADDS (extended register) |
CMN (immediate) | Compare Negative (immediate): an alias of ADDS (immediate) |
CMN (shifted register) | Compare Negative (shifted register): an alias of ADDS (shifted register) |
CMP (extended register) | Compare (extended register): an alias of SUBS (extended register) |
CMP (immediate) | Compare (immediate): an alias of SUBS (immediate) |
CMP (shifted register) | Compare (shifted register): an alias of SUBS (shifted register) |
CNEG | Conditional Negate returns: an alias of CSNEG |
CSEL | Conditional Select |
CSET | Conditional Set: an alias of CSINC |
CSINC | Conditional Select Increment |
CSNEG | Conditional Select Negation |
EON (shifted register) | Bitwise Exclusive OR NOT (shifted register) |
EOR (immediate) | Bitwise Exclusive OR (immediate) |
EOR (shifted register) | Bitwise Exclusive OR (shifted register) |
EXTR | EXTR: Extract register |
FMOV | Floating-point Move register without conversion. |
LD3 (multiple structure) | Load multiple 3-element structures to three registers. |
LD3R | Load single 3-element structure and Replicate to all lanes of three registers. |
LD4 (multiple structure) | Load multiple 4-element structures to four registers. |
LD4R | Load single 4-element structure and Replicate to all lanes of four registers. |
LDAR | Load-Acquire Register |
LDARB | Load-Acquire Register Byte |
LDARH | Load-Acquire Register Halfword |
LDAXR | Load-Acquire Exclusive Register |
LDAXRB | Load-Acquire Exclusive Register Byte |
LDAXRH | Load-Acquire Exclusive Register Halfword |
LDNP | Load Pair of Registers with non-temporal hint |
LDP | Load Pair of Registers |
LDPSW | Load Pair of Registers Signed Word |
LDR (immediate) | Load Register (immediate) |
LDR (literal) | Load Register (literal) |
LDR (register) | Load Register (register) |
LDRB (immediate) | Load Register Byte (immediate) |
LDRB (register) | Load Register Byte (register) |
LDRH (immediate) | Load Register Halfword (immediate) |
LDRH (register) | Load Register Halfword (register) |
LDRSB (immediate) | Load Register Signed Byte (immediate) |
LDRSB (register) | Load Register Signed Byte (register) |
LDRSH (immediate) | Load Register Signed Halfword (immediate) |
LDRSH (register) | Load Register Signed Halfword (register) |
LDRSW (immediate) | Load Register Signed Word (immediate) |
LDRSW (literal) | Load Register Signed Word (literal) |
LDRSW (register) | Load Register Signed Word (register) |
LDTR | Load Register (unprivileged) |
LDTRB | Load Register Byte (unprivileged) |
LDTRH | Load Register Halfword (unprivileged) |
LDTRSB | Load Register Signed Byte (unprivileged) |
LDTRSH | Load Register Signed Halfword (unprivileged) |
LDTRSW | Load Register Signed Word (unprivileged) |
LDUR | Load Register (unscaled) |
LDURB | Load Register Byte (unscaled) |
LDURH | Load Register Halfword (unscaled) |
LDURSB | Load Register Signed Byte (unscaled) |
LDURSH | Load Register Signed Halfword (unscaled) |
LDURSW | Load Register Signed Word (unscaled) |
LDXP | Load Exclusive Pair of Registers |
LDXR | Load Exclusive Register |
LDXRB | Load Exclusive Register Byte |
LDXRH | Load Exclusive Register Halfword |
LSL (immediate) | Logical Shift Left (immediate): an alias of UBFM |
LSL (register) | Logical Shift Left (register): an alias of LSLV |
LSR (immediate) | Logical Shift Right (immediate): an alias of UBFM |
LSR (register) | Logical Shift Right (register): an alias of LSRV |
MADD | Multiply-Add |
MNEG | Multiply-Negate: an alias of MSUB |
MOV (bitmask immediate) | Move (bitmask immediate): an alias of ORR (immediate) |
MOV (register) | Move (register): an alias of ORR (shifted register) |
MOV (to/from SP) | Move between register and stack pointer: an alias of ADD (immediate) |
MOVI | Move Immediate (vector) |
MOVK | Move wide with keep |
MOVN | Move wide with NOT |
MOVZ | Move shifted 16-bit immediate to register |
MRS | Move System Register to general-purpose register |
MSR | Move general-purpose register to System Register |
MSUB | Multiply-Subtract |
MUL | Multiply: an alias of MADD |
MVN | Bitwise NOT: an alias of ORN (shifted register) |
NEG (shifted register) | Negate (shifted register): an alias of SUB (shifted register) |
NOP | No Operation |
ORN | Bitwise OR NOT (shifted register) |
ORR (immediate) | Bitwise OR (immediate) |
ORR (shifted register) | Bitwise OR (shifted register) |
RBIT | Reverse Bits |
RET | Return from subroutine |
REV | Reverse Bytes |
REV16 | Reverse bytes in 16-bit halfwords |
REV32 | Reverse bytes in 32-bit words |
REV64 | Reverse Bytes: an alias of REV |
ROR (immediate) | Rotate right (immediate): an alias of EXTR |
ROR (register) | Rotate Right (register): an alias of RORV |
RORV | Rotate Right Variable |
SBC | Subtract with Carry |
SBCS | Subtract with Carry, setting flags |
SBFX | Signed Bitfield Extract: an alias of SBFM |
SDIV | Signed Divide |
SMADDL | Signed Multiply-Add Long |
SMSUBL | Signed Multiply-Subtract Long |
SMULH | Signed Multiply High |
SMULL | Signed Multiply Long: an alias of SMADDL |
STLR | Store-Release Register |
STLRB | Store-Release Register Byte |
STLRH | Store-Release Register Halfword |
STLXR | Store-Release Exclusive Register |
STLXRB | Store-Release Exclusive Register Byte |
STLXRH | Store-Release Exclusive Register Halfword |
STNP | Store Pair of Registers with non-temporal hint |
STP | Store Pair of Registers |
STR (immediate) | Store Register (immediate) |
STR (register) | Store Register (register) |
STRB (immediate) | Store Register Byte (immediate) |
STRB (register) | Store Register Byte (register) |
STRH (immediate) | Store Register Halfword (immediate) |
STRH (register) | Store Register Halfword (register) |
STTR | Store Register (unprivileged) |
STTRB | Store Register Byte (unprivileged) |
STTRH | Store Register Halfword (unprivileged) |
STUR | Store Register (unscaled) |
STURB | Store Register Byte (unscaled) |
STURH | Store Register Halfword (unscaled) |
STXP | Store Exclusive Pair or Registers |
STXR | Store Exclusive Register |
STXRB | Store Exclusive Register Byte |
STXRH | Store Exclusive Register Halfword |
SUB (extended register) | Subtract (extended register) |
SUB (immediate) | Subtract (immediate) |
SUB (shifted register) | Subtract (shifted register) |
SUBS (extended register) | Subtract (extended register), setting flags |
SUBS (immediate) | Subtract (immediate), setting flags |
SUBS (shifted register) | Subtract (shifted register), setting flags |
SVC | Supervisor Call |
SXTB | Signed Extend Byte: an alias of SBFM |
SXTH | Sign Extend Halfword: an alias of SBFM |
SXTW | Sign Extend Word: an alias of SBFM |
TBNZ | Test bit and Branch if Nonzero |
TBZ | Test bit and Branch if Zero |
TST (immediate) | Test bits (immediate): an alias of ANDS (immediate) |
TST (shifted register) | Test (shifted register): an alias of ANDS (shifted register) |
UBFIZ | Unsigned Bitfield Insert in Zero: an alias of UBFM |
UBFX | Unsigned Bitfield Extract: an alias of UBFM |
UDIV | Unsigned Divide |
UMADDL | Unsigned Multiply-Add Long |
UMNEGL | Unsigned Multiply-Negate Long: an alias of UMSUBL |
UMOV | Unsigned Move vector element to GPR |
UMSUBL | Unsigned Multiply-Subtract Long |
UMULH | Unsigned Multiply High |
UMULL | Unsigned Multiply Long: an alias of UMADDL |
UXTB | Unsigned Extend Byte: an alias of UBFM |
UXTH | Unsigned Extend Halfword: an alias of UBFM |