libTriton version 1.0 build 1592
▼Ntriton | The Triton namespace |
►Narch | The Architecture namespace |
►Narm | The ARM namespace |
►Naarch64 | The aarch64 namespace |
CAArch64Cpu | This class is used to describe the ARM (64-bits) spec |
CAArch64Semantics | The AArch64 ISA semantics |
CAArch64Specifications | Defines specifications about the AArch64 CPU |
►Narm32 | The arm32 namespace |
CArm32Cpu | This class is used to describe the ARM (32-bits) spec |
CArm32Semantics | The Arm32 ISA semantics |
CArm32Specifications | Defines specifications about the Arm32 CPU |
CArmOperandProperties | This class is used to represent specific properties of an Arm operand |
►Nriscv | The riscv namespace |
Criscv32Cpu | This class is used to describe the RV32 spec |
Criscv64Cpu | This class is used to describe the RV64 spec |
CriscvSemantics | The RISCV ISA semantics |
CriscvSpecifications | Defines specifications about the RV32 and RV64 CPU |
►Nx86 | The x86 namespace |
Cx8664Cpu | This class is used to describe the x86 (64-bits) spec |
Cx86Cpu | This class is used to describe the x86 (32-bits) spec |
Cx86Semantics | The x86 ISA semantics |
Cx86Specifications | Defines specifications about the x86 and x86_64 CPU |
CArchitecture | The abstract architecture class |
CBasicBlock | This class is used to represent a basic block |
CBitsVector | This class is used to deal with registers and memory as bits vector |
CCpuInterface | This interface is used as abstract CPU interface. All CPU must use this interface |
CImmediate | This class is used to represent an immediate |
CInstruction | This class is used to represent an instruction |
CIrBuilder | The IR builder |
CMemoryAccess | This class is used to represent a memory access |
COperandWrapper | This class is used as operand wrapper |
CRegister | This class is used when an instruction has a register operand |
CSemanticsInterface | This interface is used as abstract semantics interface. All ISA semantics must use this interface |
CShortcutRegister | This is used as a shortcut to access to registers |
►Nast | The AST namespace |
►Nrepresentations | The Representations namespace |
CAstPcodeRepresentation | Pseudo Code representation |
CAstPythonRepresentation | Python representation |
CAstRepresentation | Pseudo code of SMT AST |
CAstRepresentationInterface | The AST representation interface |
CAstSmtRepresentation | SMT representation |
CAbstractNode | Abstract node |
CArrayNode | (Array (_ BitVec indexSize) (_ BitVec 8)) node |
CAssertNode | (assert <expr>) node |
CAstContext | AST Context - Used as AST builder |
CBswapNode | (bswap <expr>) node |
CBvaddNode | (bvadd <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvandNode | (bvand <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvashrNode | (bvashr <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvlshrNode | (bvlshr <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvmulNode | (bvmul <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvnandNode | (bvnand <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvnegNode | (bvneg <expr>) node |
CBvNode | (_ bv<value> <size>) node |
CBvnorNode | (bvnor <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvnotNode | (bvnot <expr>) node |
CBvorNode | (bvor <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvrolNode | ((_ rotate_left rot) <expr>) node |
CBvrorNode | ((_ rotate_right rot) <expr>) node |
CBvsdivNode | (bvsdiv <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvsgeNode | (bvsge <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvsgtNode | (bvsgt <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvshlNode | (bvshl <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvsleNode | (bvsle <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvsltNode | (bvslt <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvsmodNode | (bvsmod <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvsremNode | (bvsrem <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvsubNode | (bvsub <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvudivNode | (bvudiv <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvugeNode | (bvuge <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvugtNode | (bvugt <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvuleNode | (bvule <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvultNode | (bvult <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvuremNode | (bvurem <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvxnorNode | (bvxnor <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CBvxorNode | (bvxor <expr1> <expr2>) node |
CCompoundNode | [<expr1> <expr2> <expr3> ...] node |
CConcatNode | (concat <expr1> <expr2> ...) node |
CDeclareNode | (declare-fun <var_name> () (_ BitVec <var_size>)) node |
CDistinctNode | (distinct <expr1> <expr2> ...) node |
CEqualNode | (= <expr1> <expr2> ...) node |
CExtractNode | ((_ extract <high> <low>) <expr>) node |
CForallNode | (forall ((x (_ BitVec <size>)), ...) body) |
CIffNode | (iff <expr1> <expr2>) |
CIntegerNode | Integer node |
CIteNode | (ite <ifExpr> <thenExpr> <elseExpr>) |
CLandNode | (and <expr1> <expr2>) |
CLetNode | (let ((<alias> <expr2>)) <expr3>) |
CLLVMToTriton | Converts a LLVM IR to a Triton AST |
CLnotNode | (lnot <expr>) |
CLorNode | (or <expr1> <expr2>) |
CLxorNode | (xor <expr1> <expr2>) |
CReferenceNode | Reference node |
CSelectNode | (select array index) |
CStoreNode | (store array index expr) |
CStringNode | String node |
CSxNode | ((_ sign_extend sizeExt) <expr>) node |
CTritonToBitwuzla | Converts a Triton's AST to Bitwuzla's AST |
CTritonToLLVM | Converts a Triton's AST to LVM IR |
CTritonToZ3 | Converts a Triton's AST to Z3's AST |
CVariableNode | Variable node |
CZ3ToTriton | Converts a Z3's AST to a Triton's AST |
CZxNode | ((_ zero_extend sizeExt) <expr>) node |
►Nbindings | The Bindings namespace |
►Npython | The Python namespace |
CAstContext_Object | PyAstContext object |
CAstNode_Object | PyAstNode object |
CBasicBlock_Object | PyBasicBlock object |
CBitsVector_Object | PyBitsVector object |
CImmediate_Object | PyImmediate object |
CInstruction_Object | PyInstruction object |
CMemoryAccess_Object | PyMemory object |
CPathConstraint_Object | PyPathConstraint object |
CRegister_Object | PyRegister object |
CSolverModel_Object | PySolverModel object |
CSymbolicExpression_Object | PySymbolicExpression object |
CSymbolicVariable_Object | PySymbolicVariable object |
CTritonContext_Object | PyTritonContext object |
Nbitsize | The BitSize namespace |
►Ncallbacks | The Callbacks namespace |
CCallbacks | The callbacks class |
►Nengines | The Engines namespace |
►Nlifters | The Lifters namespace |
CLiftingEngine | The lifting engine class |
CLiftingToDot | The lifting to Dot class |
CLiftingToLLVM | The lifting to LLVM class |
CLiftingToPython | The lifting to Python class |
CLiftingToSMT | The lifting to SMT class |
►Nsolver | The Solver namespace |
CBitwuzlaSolver | Solver engine using Bitwuzla |
CSolverEngine | This class is used to interface with solvers |
CSolverInterface | This interface is used to interface with solvers |
CSolverModel | This class is used to represent a constraint model solved |
CZ3Solver | Solver engine using z3 |
►Nsymbolic | The Symbolic Execution namespace |
CPathConstraint | The path constraint class |
CPathManager | The path manager class |
CSymbolicEngine | The symbolic engine class |
CSymbolicExpression | The symbolic expression class |
CSymbolicSimplification | The symbolic simplification class |
CSymbolicVariable | The symbolic variable class |
►Nsynthesis | The Synthesis namespace |
Noracles | The Synthesis namespace |
CBinaryEntry | Entry of the oracle table for binary operators synthesis |
CConstantEntry | Entry of the oracle table for constant synthesis |
COpEncoding | This class is used to encode operators and variables ordering |
CSynthesisResult | The SynthesisResult engine class |
CSynthesizer | The Synthesizer engine class |
CUnaryEntry | Entry of the oracle table for unary operators synthesis |
►Ntaint | The Taint namespace |
CTaintEngine | The taint engine class |
►Nexceptions | The Exceptions namespace |
CAArch64OperandProperties | The exception class used by shift mode |
CArchitecture | The exception class used by architectures |
CArmOperandProperties | The exception class used by shift mode |
CAst | The exception class used by all AST nodes |
CAstLifting | The exception class used by all AST lifting (e.g z3 <-> triton ) |
CAstRepresentation | The exception class used by all AST node representations |
CBasicBlock | The exception class used by a basic block |
CBindings | The exception class used by bindings |
CBitsVector | The exception class used by bitvectors |
CCallbacks | The exception class used by callbacks |
CContext | The exception class used by the Triton's Context |
CCpu | The exception class used by all CPUs |
CDisassembly | The exception class used by the disassembler |
CEngines | The exception class used by all engines |
CException | The root class of all exceptions |
CImmediate | The exception class used by immediates |
CInstruction | The exception class used by an instruction |
CIrBuilder | The exception class used by the IR builder |
CLiftingEngine | The exception class used by the lifting engine |
CMemoryAccess | The exception class used by memory access |
COperandWrapper | The exception class used by operand wrappers |
CPathConstraint | The exception class used by path constraints |
CPathManager | The exception class used by the path manager |
CPyCallbacks | |
CRegister | The exception class used by register operands |
CSemantics | The exception class used by all semantics |
CSolverEngine | The exception class used by the solver engine |
CSolverModel | The exception class used by solver models |
CSymbolicEngine | The exception class used by the symbolic engine |
CSymbolicExpression | The exception class used by symbolic expressions |
CSymbolicSimplification | The exception class used by symbolic simplifications |
CSymbolicVariable | The exception class used by symbolic variables |
CSynthesizerEngine | The exception class used by the synthesizer engine |
CTaintEngine | The exception class used by the taint engine |
►Nextlibs | The external libraries namespace |
Ncapstone | The Capstone library namespace |
►Nmodes | The Modes namespace |
CModes | The modes class |
Nsize | The Size namespace |
Nutils | The Utils namespace |
CComparableFunctor | |
CContext | This is the main Triton Context class |
CIdentityHash | Used as a hash function in hash tables containers (std::unordered_map, robin_map) |