libTriton version 1.0 build 1592
No Matches
SMT simplification passes

[internal] All information about the SMT simplification passes.


Triton allows you to optimize your AST (See: AstContext) just before the assignment to a register, a memory or a volatile symbolic expression. The record of a simplification pass is really straightforward. You have to record your simplification callback using the triton::Context::addCallback() function. Your simplification callback must takes as parameters a triton::Context and a triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode. The callback must return a triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode. Then, your callback will be called before every symbolic assignment. Note that you can record several simplification callbacks or remove a specific callback using the triton::Context::removeCallback() function.

Simplification via Triton's rules

Below, a little example which replaces all \( A \oplus A \rightarrow A = 0\).

// Rule: if (bvxor x x) -> (_ bv0 x_size)
if (node->getType() == triton::ast::BVXOR_NODE) {
if (node->getChildren()[0]->equalTo(node->getChildren()[1]))
return ctx.getAstContext().bv(0, node->getBitvectorSize());
return node;
int main(int ac, const char *av[]) {
// Record a simplification callback
This is the main Triton Context class.
Definition context.hpp:45
void addCallback(triton::callbacks::callback_e kind, T cb)
[callbacks api] - Adds a callback.
Definition context.hpp:316
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAstContext getAstContext(void)
[IR builder api] - Returns the AST context. Used as AST builder.
Definition context.cpp:635
std::shared_ptr< triton::ast::AbstractNode > SharedAbstractNode
Shared Abstract Node.
Definition ast.hpp:59

Another example (this time in Python) which replaces a node with this rule \( ((A \land \lnot{B}) \lor (\lnot{A} \land B)) \rightarrow (A \oplus B) \).

# Rule: if ((a & ~b) | (~a & b)) -> (a ^ b)
def xor_bitwise(ctx, node):
def getNot(node):
a = node.getChildren()[0]
b = node.getChildren()[1]
if a.getType() == AST_NODE.BVNOT and b.getType() != AST_NODE.BVNOT:
return a
if b.getType() == AST_NODE.BVNOT and a.getType() != AST_NODE.BVNOT:
return b
return None
def getNonNot(node):
a = node.getChildren()[0]
b = node.getChildren()[1]
if a.getType() != AST_NODE.BVNOT and b.getType() == AST_NODE.BVNOT:
return a
if b.getType() != AST_NODE.BVNOT and a.getType() == AST_NODE.BVNOT:
return b
return None
if node.getType() == AST_NODE.BVOR:
c1 = node.getChildren()[0]
c2 = node.getChildren()[1]
if c1.getType() == AST_NODE.BVAND and c2.getType() == AST_NODE.BVAND:
c1_not = getNot(c1)
c2_not = getNot(c2)
c1_nonNot = getNonNot(c1)
c2_nonNot = getNonNot(c2)
if c1_not.equalTo(~c2_nonNot) and c2_not.equalTo(~c1_nonNot):
return c1_nonNot ^ c2_nonNot
return node
if __name__ == "__main__":
ctx = TritonContext()
# Set arch to init engines
# Record simplifications
ctx.addCallback(SYMBOLIC_SIMPLIFICATION, xor_bitwise)
a = bv(1, 8)
b = bv(2, 8)
c = (~b & a) | (~a & b)
print 'Expr: ', c
c = ctx.simplify(c)
print 'Simp: ', c

Simplification via Z3

As Triton is able to convert a Triton's AST to a Z3's AST and vice versa, you can benefit to the power of Z3 to simplify your expression, then, come back to a Triton's AST and apply your own rules.

>>> var = ctx.newSymbolicVariable(8)
>>> a = ctx.getAstContext().variable(var)
>>> b = bv(0x38, 8)
>>> c = bv(0xde, 8)
>>> d = bv(0x4f, 8)
>>> e = a * ((b & c) | d)
>>> print e
(bvmul SymVar_0 (bvor (bvand (_ bv56 8) (_ bv222 8)) (_ bv79 8)))
>>> usingZ3 = True
>>> f = ctx.simplify(e, usingZ3)
>>> print f
(bvmul (_ bv95 8) SymVar_0)

Note that applying a SMT simplification doesn't means that your expression will be more readable by an humain. For example, if we perform a simplification of a bitwise operation (as described in the previous section), the new expression is not really useful for an humain.

>>> a = ctx.getAstContext().variable(var)
>>> b = bv(2, 8)
>>> c = (~b & a) | (~a & b) # a ^ b
>>> print c
(bvor (bvand (bvnot (_ bv2 8)) SymVar_0) (bvand (bvnot SymVar_0) (_ bv2 8)))
>>> d = ctx.simplify(c, True)
>>> print d
(concat ((_ extract 7 2) SymVar_0) (bvnot ((_ extract 1 1) SymVar_0)) ((_ extract 0 0) SymVar_0))

As you can see, Z3 tries to apply a bit-to-bit simplification. That's why, Triton allows you to deal with both, Z3's simplification passes and your own rules.