48 inline void checkArchitecture(
51 inline void checkIrBuilder(
54 inline void checkSymbolic(
57 inline void checkSolver(
60 inline void checkTaint(
63 inline void checkLifting(
bool isThumb(
void setThumb(
bool state);
const std::unordered_map<triton::arch::register_e, const triton::arch::Register>&
const std::unordered_map<triton::uint64, triton::uint8, IdentityHash<triton::uint64>>&
void reset(
358 TRITON_EXPORT std::unordered_map<triton::arch::register_e, triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression>
361 TRITON_EXPORT std::unordered_map<triton::uint64, triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression>
const std::vector<triton::engines::symbolic::PathConstraint>&
523 TRITON_EXPORT std::unordered_map<triton::usize, triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression>
526 TRITON_EXPORT std::map<triton::usize, triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicVariable>
const std::unordered_set<triton::uint64>&
597 TRITON_EXPORT std::unordered_set<const triton::arch::Register*>
This is the main Triton Context class.
TRITON_EXPORT bool setTaintRegister(const triton::arch::Register ®, bool flag)
[taint api] - Sets the flag (taint or untaint) to a register.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicVariable newSymbolicVariable(triton::uint32 varSize, const std::string &alias="")
[symbolic api] - Returns a new symbolic variable.
TRITON_EXPORT const triton::arch::Register & getParentRegister(const triton::arch::Register ®) const
[architecture api] - Returns parent Register from a register.
TRITON_EXPORT std::ostream & liftToDot(std::ostream &stream, const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node)
[lifting api] - Lifts an AST and all its references to Dot format.
TRITON_EXPORT bool setTaintMemory(const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &mem, bool flag)
[taint api] - Sets the flag (taint or untaint) to a memory.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicVariable symbolizeExpression(triton::usize exprId, triton::uint32 symVarSize, const std::string &symVarAlias="")
[symbolic api] - Converts a symbolic expression to a symbolic variable. symVarSize must be in bits.
TRITON_EXPORT void setArchitecture(triton::arch::architecture_e arch)
[architecture api] - Initializes an architecture.
TRITON_EXPORT const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression & getSymbolicRegister(const triton::arch::Register ®) const
[symbolic api] - Returns the symbolic expression assigned to the parent register.
TRITON_EXPORT const std::vector< triton::engines::symbolic::PathConstraint > & getPathConstraints(void) const
[symbolic api] - Returns the logical conjunction vector of path constraints.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::uint512 getConcreteRegisterValue(const triton::arch::Register ®, bool execCallbacks=true) const
[architecture api] - Returns the concrete value of a register.
TRITON_EXPORT void concretizeMemory(const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &mem)
[symbolic api] - Concretizes symbolic memory cells.
TRITON_EXPORT void setCustomSolver(triton::engines::solver::SolverInterface *customSolver)
Initializes a custom solver.
TRITON_EXPORT const std::unordered_map< triton::uint64, triton::uint8, IdentityHash< triton::uint64 > > & getConcreteMemory(void) const
[architecture api] - Returns all memory.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isArchitectureValid(void) const
[Architecture api] - Returns true if the architecture is valid.
triton::ast::SharedAstContext astCtxt
The AST Context interface.
TRITON_EXPORT const std::unordered_map< triton::arch::register_e, const triton::arch::Register > & getAllRegisters(void) const
[architecture api] - Returns all registers.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicVariable symbolizeMemory(const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &mem, const std::string &symVarAlias="")
[symbolic api] - Converts a symbolic memory expression to a symbolic variable.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isThumb(void) const
[architecture api] - Returns true if the execution mode is Thumb. Only useful for Arm32.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicVariable symbolizeRegister(const triton::arch::Register ®, const std::string &symVarAlias="")
[symbolic api] - Converts a symbolic register expression to a symbolic variable.
triton::engines::symbolic::SymbolicEngine * symbolic
The symbolic engine.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::symbolic::SymbolicEngine * getSymbolicEngine(void)
[symbolic api] - Returns the instance of the symbolic engine.
triton::arch::ShortcutRegister registers
A shortcut to access to a Register class from a register name.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isRegisterTainted(const triton::arch::Register ®) const
[taint api] - Returns true if the register is tainted.
TRITON_EXPORT void initEngines(void)
[proccesing api] - Initializes everything.
TRITON_EXPORT void setSolver(triton::engines::solver::solver_e kind)
Initializes a predefined solver.
TRITON_EXPORT void setMode(triton::modes::mode_e mode, bool flag)
[modes api] - Enables or disables a specific mode.
TRITON_EXPORT void popPathConstraint(void)
[symbolic api] - Pops the last constraints added to the path predicate.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::uint512 evaluateAstViaSolver(const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node) const
[solver api] - Evaluates a Triton's AST via the solver and returns a concrete value.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::arch::endianness_e getEndianness(void) const
[architecture api] - Returns the endianness as triton::arch::endianness_e.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode simplifyAstViaLLVM(const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node) const
[lifting api] - Lifts and simplify an AST using LLVM
TRITON_EXPORT triton::uint512 getConcreteVariableValue(const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicVariable &symVar) const
[symbolic api] - Gets the concrete value of a symbolic variable.
TRITON_EXPORT std::unordered_set< const triton::arch::Register * > getTaintedRegisters(void) const
[taint api] - Returns the tainted registers.
TRITON_EXPORT std::unordered_map< triton::usize, triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression > sliceExpressions(const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression &expr)
[symbolic api] - Slices all expressions from a given one.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::arch::exception_e processing(triton::arch::Instruction &inst)
[proccesing api] - Processes an instruction and updates engines according to the instruction semantic...
TRITON_EXPORT bool isMemoryTainted(triton::uint64 addr, triton::uint32 size=1) const
[taint api] - Returns true if the address:size is tainted.
TRITON_EXPORT bool untaintRegister(const triton::arch::Register ®)
[taint api] - Untaints a register. Returns !TAINTED if the register has been untainted correctly....
TRITON_EXPORT void setAstRepresentationMode(triton::ast::representations::mode_e mode)
[AST representation api] - Sets the AST representation.
TRITON_EXPORT void reset(void)
[proccesing api] - Resets everything.
TRITON_EXPORT std::vector< triton::uint8 > getSymbolicMemoryAreaValue(triton::uint64 baseAddr, triton::usize size)
[symbolic api] - Returns the symbolic values of a memory area.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isRegisterSymbolized(const triton::arch::Register ®) const
[symbolic api] - Returns true if the register expression contains a symbolic variable.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isMemorySymbolized(const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &mem) const
[symbolic api] - Returns true if memory cell expressions contain symbolic variables.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isModeEnabled(triton::modes::mode_e mode) const
[modes api] - Returns true if the mode is enabled.
TRITON_EXPORT void assignSymbolicExpressionToRegister(const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression &se, const triton::arch::Register ®)
[symbolic api] - Assigns a symbolic expression to a register.
TRITON_EXPORT const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression & createSymbolicMemoryExpression(triton::arch::Instruction &inst, const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &mem, const std::string &comment="")
[symbolic api] - Returns the new symbolic memory expression and links this expression to the instruct...
triton::arch::Architecture arch
The architecture entry.
TRITON_EXPORT const triton::arch::Instruction getNopInstruction(void) const
Returns a NOP instruction according to the architecture.
Constructor of the Context.
TRITON_EXPORT void setConcreteState(triton::arch::Architecture &other)
[architecture api] - Defines a concrete state.
TRITON_EXPORT bool taintRegister(const triton::arch::Register ®)
[taint api] - Taints a register. Returns TAINTED if the register has been tainted correctly....
TRITON_EXPORT bool isSymbolicExpressionExists(triton::usize symExprId) const
[symbolic api] - Returns true if the symbolic expression ID exists.
void removeCallback(triton::callbacks::callback_e kind, T cb)
[callbacks api] - Removes a callback.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isFlag(triton::arch::register_e regId) const
[architecture api] - Returns true if the register id is a flag.
TRITON_EXPORT std::ostream & liftToLLVM(std::ostream &stream, const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, const char *fname="__triton", bool optimize=false)
[lifting api] - Lifts an AST and all its references to LLVM format. fname represents the name of the ...
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::taint::TaintEngine * getTaintEngine(void)
[taint api] - Returns the instance of the taint engine.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::usize getSizeOfPathConstraints(void) const
[symbolic api] - Returns the size of the path constraints
TRITON_EXPORT void disassembly(triton::arch::Instruction &inst) const
[architecture api] - Disassembles the instruction and setup operands.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode processCallbacks(triton::callbacks::callback_e kind, triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode node)
[callbacks api] - Processes callbacks according to the kind and the C++ polymorphism.
TRITON_EXPORT void assignSymbolicExpressionToMemory(const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression &se, const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &mem)
[symbolic api] - Assigns a symbolic expression to a memory.
void addCallback(triton::callbacks::callback_e kind, T cb)
[callbacks api] - Adds a callback.
TRITON_EXPORT std::vector< triton::uint8 > getConcreteMemoryAreaValue(triton::uint64 baseAddr, triton::usize size, bool execCallbacks=true) const
[architecture api] - Returns the concrete value of a memory area.
TRITON_EXPORT void setSolverMemoryLimit(triton::uint32 limit)
[solver api] - Defines a solver memory consumption limit (in megabytes).
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAstContext getAstContext(void)
[IR builder api] - Returns the AST context. Used as AST builder.
TRITON_EXPORT void removeSymbolicExpression(const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression &expr)
[symbolic api] - Removes the symbolic expression corresponding to the id.
TRITON_EXPORT void setThumb(bool state)
[architecture api] - Sets CPU state to Thumb mode.
TRITON_EXPORT std::unordered_map< triton::usize, triton::engines::solver::SolverModel > getModel(const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, triton::engines::solver::status_e *status=nullptr, triton::uint32 timeout=0, triton::uint32 *solvingTime=nullptr) const
[solver api] - Computes and returns a model from a symbolic constraint. State is returned in the stat...
TRITON_EXPORT triton::uint32 getGprBitSize(void) const
[architecture api] - Returns the bit in byte of the General Purpose Registers.
TRITON_EXPORT void concretizeAllMemory(void)
[symbolic api] - Concretizes all symbolic memory cells.
triton::engines::taint::TaintEngine * taint
The taint engine.
TRITON_EXPORT const triton::arch::Register & getRegister(triton::arch::register_e id) const
[architecture api] - Returns Register from regId.
TRITON_EXPORT bool taintUnion(const triton::arch::OperandWrapper &op1, const triton::arch::OperandWrapper &op2)
[taint api] - Abstract union tainting.
TRITON_EXPORT const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression & createSymbolicExpression(triton::arch::Instruction &inst, const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, const triton::arch::OperandWrapper &dst, const std::string &comment="")
[symbolic api] - Returns the new symbolic abstract expression and links this expression to the instru...
TRITON_EXPORT void setConcreteVariableValue(const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicVariable &symVar, const triton::uint512 &value)
[symbolic api] - Sets the concrete value of a symbolic variable.
triton::modes::SharedModes modes
The modes.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression newSymbolicExpression(const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, const std::string &comment="")
[symbolic api] - Returns a new symbolic expression. Note that if there are simplification passes reco...
TRITON_EXPORT std::vector< triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression > getTaintedSymbolicExpressions(void) const
[symbolic api] - Returns the list of the tainted symbolic expressions.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode getRegisterAst(const triton::arch::Register ®)
[symbolic api] - Returns the AST corresponding to the register.
Destructor of the Context.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::uint8 getSymbolicMemoryValue(triton::uint64 address)
[symbolic api] - Returns the symbolic memory value.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isTainted(const triton::arch::OperandWrapper &op) const
[taint api] - Abstract taint verification. Returns true if the operand is tainted.
triton::engines::solver::SolverEngine * solver
The solver engine.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isRegister(triton::arch::register_e regId) const
[architecture api] - Returns true if the regId is a register.
triton::arch::IrBuilder * irBuilder
The IR builder.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode simplify(const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, bool usingSolver=false, bool usingLLVM=false) const
[symbolic api] - Processes all recorded AST simplifications, uses solver's simplifications if usingSo...
TRITON_EXPORT std::vector< triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode > getPredicatesToReachAddress(triton::uint64 addr)
[symbolic api] - Returns path predicates which may reach the targeted address.
TRITON_EXPORT bool untaintMemory(triton::uint64 addr)
[taint api] - Untaints an address. Returns !TAINTED if the address has been untainted correctly....
TRITON_EXPORT triton::arch::CpuInterface * getCpuInstance(void)
[architecture api] - Returns the instance of the current CPU used.
TRITON_EXPORT const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression & createSymbolicVolatileExpression(triton::arch::Instruction &inst, const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, const std::string &comment="")
[symbolic api] - Returns the new symbolic volatile expression and links this expression to the instru...
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicVariable getSymbolicVariable(triton::usize symVarId) const
[symbolic api] - Returns the symbolic variable corresponding to the symbolic variable id.
triton::engines::lifters::LiftingEngine * lifting
The lifting engine.
TRITON_EXPORT void concretizeAllRegister(void)
[symbolic api] - Concretizes all symbolic register.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::solver::solver_e getSolver(void) const
Returns the kind of solver as triton::engines::solver::solver_e.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::arch::architecture_e getArchitecture(void) const
[architecture api] - Returns the architecture as triton::arch::architecture_e.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode getImmediateAst(const triton::arch::Immediate &imm)
[symbolic api] - Returns the AST corresponding to the immediate.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::uint32 getGprSize(void) const
[architecture api] - Returns the size in byte of the General Purpose Registers.
TRITON_EXPORT std::ostream & liftToSMT(std::ostream &stream, const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression &expr, bool assert_=false, bool icomment=false)
[lifting api] - Lifts a symbolic expression and all its references to SMT format. If assert_ is true,...
TRITON_EXPORT void setSolverTimeout(triton::uint32 ms)
[solver api] - Defines a solver timeout (in milliseconds).
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::representations::mode_e getAstRepresentationMode(void) const
[AST representation api] - Returns the AST representation as triton::ast::representation_e.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isSolverValid(void) const
Returns true if the solver is valid.
TRITON_EXPORT std::unordered_map< triton::uint64, triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression > getSymbolicMemory(void) const
[symbolic api] - Returns the map (<Addr : SymExpr>) of symbolic memory defined.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::uint8 getConcreteMemoryValue(triton::uint64 addr, bool execCallbacks=true) const
[architecture api] - Returns the concrete value of a memory cell.
TRITON_EXPORT void concretizeRegister(const triton::arch::Register ®)
[symbolic api] - Concretizes a symbolic register.
TRITON_EXPORT void setConcreteMemoryValue(triton::uint64 addr, triton::uint8 value, bool execCallbacks=true)
[architecture api] - Sets the concrete value of a memory cell.
TRITON_EXPORT std::unordered_map< triton::arch::register_e, triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression > getSymbolicRegisters(void) const
[symbolic api] - Returns the map of symbolic registers defined.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::synthesis::SynthesisResult synthesize(const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, bool constant=true, bool subexpr=true, bool opaque=false)
[synthesizer api] - Synthesizes a given node. If constant is true, performa a constant synthesis....
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode simplifyAstViaSolver(const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node) const
[solver api] - Converts a Triton's AST to a solver's AST, perform a simplification and returns a Trit...
TRITON_EXPORT triton::arch::exception_e buildSemantics(triton::arch::Instruction &inst)
[IR builder api] - Builds the instruction semantics. Returns triton::arch::NO_FAULT if succeed.
TRITON_EXPORT std::map< triton::usize, triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicVariable > getSymbolicVariables(void) const
[symbolic api] - Returns all symbolic variables as a map of <SymVarId : SymVar>
TRITON_EXPORT bool taintMemory(triton::uint64 addr)
[taint api] - Taints an address. Returns TAINTED if the address has been tainted correctly....
TRITON_EXPORT const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression & createSymbolicRegisterExpression(triton::arch::Instruction &inst, const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, const triton::arch::Register ®, const std::string &comment="")
[symbolic api] - Returns the new symbolic register expression and links this expression to the instru...
TRITON_EXPORT void setConcreteMemoryAreaValue(triton::uint64 baseAddr, const std::vector< triton::uint8 > &values, bool execCallbacks=true)
[architecture api] - Sets the concrete value of a memory area.
TRITON_EXPORT void pushPathConstraint(const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, const std::string &comment="")
[symbolic api] - Pushes constraint created from node to the current path predicate.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode getOperandAst(const triton::arch::OperandWrapper &op)
[symbolic api] - Returns the AST corresponding to the operand.
TRITON_EXPORT void clearConcreteMemoryValue(const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &mem)
Clears concrete values assigned to the memory cells.
TRITON_EXPORT void clearArchitecture(void)
[architecture api] - Clears the architecture states (registers and memory).
TRITON_EXPORT const std::unordered_set< triton::uint64 > & getTaintedMemory(void) const
[taint api] - Returns the tainted addresses.
TRITON_EXPORT std::set< const triton::arch::Register * > getParentRegisters(void) const
[architecture api] - Returns all parent registers.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::uint32 getNumberOfRegisters(void) const
[architecture api] - Returns the number of registers according to the CPU architecture.
TRITON_EXPORT void setConcreteRegisterValue(const triton::arch::Register ®, const triton::uint512 &value, bool execCallbacks=true)
[architecture api] - Sets the concrete value of a register.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::uint512 getSymbolicRegisterValue(const triton::arch::Register ®)
[symbolic api] - Returns the symbolic register value.
TRITON_EXPORT bool taintAssignment(const triton::arch::OperandWrapper &op1, const triton::arch::OperandWrapper &op2)
[taint api] - Abstract assignment tainting.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression getSymbolicExpression(triton::usize symExprId) const
[symbolic api] - Returns the symbolic expression corresponding to an id.
TRITON_EXPORT void clearPathConstraints(void)
[symbolic api] - Clears the current path predicate.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode getPathPredicate(void)
[symbolic api] - Returns the current path predicate as an AST of logical conjunction of each taken br...
TRITON_EXPORT void clearCallbacks(void)
[callbacks api] - Clears recorded callbacks.
TRITON_EXPORT std::vector< triton::engines::symbolic::PathConstraint > getPathConstraintsOfThread(triton::uint32 threadId) const
[symbolic api] - Returns the logical conjunction vector of path constraint of a given thread.
TRITON_EXPORT void removeEngines(void)
[proccesing api] - Removes everything.
TRITON_EXPORT std::vector< std::unordered_map< triton::usize, triton::engines::solver::SolverModel > > getModels(const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, triton::uint32 limit, triton::engines::solver::status_e *status=nullptr, triton::uint32 timeout=0, triton::uint32 *solvingTime=nullptr) const
[solver api] - Computes and returns several models from a symbolic constraint. The limit is the numbe...
TRITON_EXPORT void clearModes(void)
[modes api] - Clears recorded modes.
TRITON_EXPORT std::unordered_map< triton::usize, triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression > getSymbolicExpressions(void) const
[symbolic api] - Returns all symbolic expressions as a map of <SymExprId : SymExpr>
TRITON_EXPORT bool isRegisterValid(triton::arch::register_e regId) const
[architecture api] - Returns true if the regId is a register or a flag.
triton::callbacks::Callbacks callbacks
The Callbacks interface.
TRITON_EXPORT std::ostream & liftToPython(std::ostream &stream, const triton::engines::symbolic::SharedSymbolicExpression &expr, bool icomment=false)
[lifting api] - Lifts a symbolic expression and all its references to Python format....
TRITON_EXPORT bool setTaint(const triton::arch::OperandWrapper &op, bool flag)
[taint api] - Sets the flag (taint or untaint) to an abstract operand (Register or Memory).
TRITON_EXPORT const triton::engines::solver::SolverInterface * getSolverInstance(void) const
Returns the instance of the initialized solver.
TRITON_EXPORT triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode getMemoryAst(const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &mem)
[symbolic api] - Returns the AST corresponding to the memory.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isConcreteMemoryValueDefined(const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &mem) const
Returns true if memory cells have a defined concrete value.
TRITON_EXPORT bool isSat(const triton::ast::SharedAbstractNode &node, triton::engines::solver::status_e *status=nullptr, triton::uint32 timeout=0, triton::uint32 *solvingTime=nullptr) const
Returns true if an expression is satisfiable.
The abstract architecture class.
This class is used to represent a basic block.
This interface is used as abstract CPU interface. All CPU must use this interface.
This class is used to represent an instruction.
This class is used to represent a memory access.
This class is used as operand wrapper.
This class is used when an instruction has a register operand.
This is used as a shortcut to access to registers.
TRITON_EXPORT void removeCallback(triton::callbacks::callback_e kind, ComparableFunctor< void(triton::Context &, const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &)> cb)
TRITON_EXPORT void addCallback(triton::callbacks::callback_e kind, ComparableFunctor< void(triton::Context &, const triton::arch::MemoryAccess &)> cb)
The lifting engine class.
This class is used to interface with solvers.
This interface is used to interface with solvers.
The path constraint class.
The symbolic engine class.
The SynthesisResult engine class.
Types of register.
std::shared_ptr< triton::ast::AbstractNode > SharedAbstractNode
Shared Abstract Node.
std::shared_ptr< triton::ast::AstContext > SharedAstContext
Shared AST context.
Enumerates all kinds of mode.
std::shared_ptr< triton::modes::Modes > SharedModes
Shared Modes.
All types of representation mode.
std::shared_ptr< triton::engines::symbolic::SymbolicExpression > SharedSymbolicExpression
Shared Symbolic Expression.
std::shared_ptr< triton::engines::symbolic::SymbolicVariable > SharedSymbolicVariable
Shared Symbolic variable.
std::size_t usize
unsigned MAX_INT 32 or 64 bits according to the CPU.
std::uint64_t uint64
unisgned 64-bits
std::uint32_t uint32
unisgned 32-bits
std::uint8_t uint8
unisgned 8-bits