[python api] All information about the Register Python object.
This object is used to represent a register operand according to the CPU architecture.
>>> ctxt.processing(inst)
>>> print(inst)
0x40000: mov ah, byte ptr [rdx + rcx*2 + 0x100]
>>> op0 = inst.getOperands()[0]
>>> print(op0)
ah:8 bv[15..8]
>>> op0.getName()
>>> op0.getSize()
>>> op0.getBitSize()
>>> ctxt.getParentRegister(op0).getName()
>>> ah = ctxt.getRegister(REG.X86_64.AH)
>>> print(ah)
ah:8 bv[15..8]
>>> print(ah.getBitSize())
>>> print(ctxt.registers.rax)
rax:64 bv[63..0]
Python API - Methods of the Register class
- integer getBitSize(void)
Returns the size (in bits) of the register.
e.g: 64
- BitsVector getBitvector(void)
Returns the bit vector of the register.
- EXTEND getExtendSize(void)
Returns the size (in bits) of the extend. Mainly used for AArch64.
e.g: 16
- EXTEND getExtendType(void)
Returns the extend type of the operand. Mainly used for AArch64.
- REG getId(void)
Returns the enum of the register.
e.g: REG.X86_64.RBX
- string getName(void)
Returns the name of the register.
e.g: rbx
- SHIFT getShiftType(void)
Returns the shift type of the operand. Mainly used for AArch64.
- integer getShiftImmediate(void)
Returns the shift immediate value of the operand. Mainly used for AArch64 and ARM32.
e.g: 2
- REG getShiftRegister(void)
Returns the shift register of the operand. Mainly used for ARM32.
e.g: REG.ARM32.R0
- integer getSize(void)
Returns the size (in bytes) of the register.
e.g: 8
- OPERAND getType(void)
Returns the type of the register. In this case this function returns OPERAND.REG
- VAS getVASType(void)
Returns the vector arrangement specifier. Mainly used for AArch64.
e.g: VAS.ARM.v8B
- bool isMutable(void)
Returns true if this register is mutable. Mainly used in AArch64 to define that some registers like XZR are immutable.
- bool isOverlapWith(Register other)
Returns true if other
and self