[python api] All information about the AstNode Python object.
This object is used to represent each AST node of an expression.
>>> astCtxt = ctxt.getAstContext()
>>> node = astCtxt.bvadd(astCtxt.bv(1, 8), astCtxt.bvxor(astCtxt.bv(10, 8), astCtxt.bv(20, 8)))
>>> print(node)
(bvadd (_ bv1 8) (bvxor (_ bv10 8) (_ bv20 8)))
>>> a = astCtxt.bv(1, 8)
>>> b = astCtxt.bv(2, 8)
>>> c = (a & ~b) | (~a & b)
>>> print(c)
(bvor (bvand (_ bv1 8) (bvnot (_ bv2 8))) (bvand (bvnot (_ bv1 8)) (_ bv2 8)))
Python API - Methods of the AstNode class
- bool equalTo(AstNode)
Compares the current tree to another one.
- integer evaluate(void)
Evaluates the tree and returns its value.
- integer getBitvectorMask(void)
Returns the mask of the node vector according to its size.
e.g: 0xffffffff
- integer getBitvectorSize(void)
Returns the node vector size.
- [AstNode, ...] getChildren(void)
Returns the list of child nodes.
- integer getHash(void)
Returns the hash (signature) of the AST.
- integer getInteger(void)
Returns the integer of the node. Only available on INTEGER_NODE
, raises an exception otherwise.
- integer getLevel(void)
Returns the deep level of the AST.
- [AstNode, ...] getParents(void)
Returns the parents list nodes. The list is empty if there is no parent defined yet.
- string getString(void)
Returns the string of the node. Only available on STRING_NODE
, raises an exception otherwise.
- SymbolicExpression getSymbolicExpression(void)
Returns the symbolic expression of the node. Only available on REFERENCE_NODE
, raises an exception otherwise.
- SymbolicVariable getSymbolicVariable(void)
Returns the symbolic variable of the node. Only available on VARIABLE_NODE
, raises an exception otherwise.
- AST_NODE getType(void)
Returns the type of the node.
- bool isArray(void)
Returns true if it's an array node. e.g: AST_NODE.ARRAY
- bool isLogical(void)
Returns true if it's a logical node. e.g: AST_NODE.EQUAL
- bool isSigned(void)
According to the size of the expression, returns true if the MSB is 1.
- bool isSymbolized(void)
Returns true if the tree (and its sub-trees) contains a symbolic variable.
- void setChild(integer index, AstNode node)
Replaces a child node.
Python API - Operators
As we can not overload all AST operators only the following operators are overloaded:
Python's Operator | e.g: SMT2-Lib format |
a + b | (bvadd a b) |
a - b | (bvsub a b) |
a * b | (bvmul a b) |
a / b | (bvudiv a b) |
a | b | (bvor a b) |
a & b | (bvand a b) |
a ^ b | (bvxor a b) |
a % b | (bvurem a b) |
a << b | (bvshl a b) |
a >> b | (bvlshr a b) |
~a | (bvnot a) |
-a | (bvneg a) |
a == b | (= a b) |
a != b | (not (= a b)) |
a <= b | (bvule a b) |
a >= b | (bvuge a b) |
a < b | (bvult a b) |
a > b | (bvugt a b) |