64 PyDict_Clear(extendDict);
Extracts a word (32-bit) value from a register and zero extends it to the size of the register.
Use the whole 64-bit register.
Use the whole 64-bit register.
Extracts a halfword (16-bit) value from a register and zero extends it to the size of the register.
Extracts a byte (8-bit) value from a register and zero extends it to the size of the register.
Extracts a word (32-bit) value from a register and zero extends it to the size of the register.
Extracts a byte (8-bit) value from a register and zero extends it to the size of the register.
Extracts a halfword (16-bit) value from a register and zero extends it to the size of the register.
PyObject * xPyClass_New(PyObject *b, PyObject *d, PyObject *n)
Creates a PyClass and raises an exception if it fails. dict is copied in Py3 ! All references are dec...
PyObject * xPyString_FromString(const char *v)
Creates a PyString and raises an exception if it fails.
PyObject * xPyDict_New(void)
Creates a PyDict and raises an exception if it fails.
PyObject * PyLong_FromUint32(triton::uint32 value)
Returns a pyObject from a triton::uint32.
int xPyDict_SetItemString(PyObject *p, const char *key, PyObject *val)
Same as PyDict_SetItemString but decrements reference on object.
void initExtendNamespace(PyObject *extendDict)
Initializes the EXTEND python namespace.