►Ctriton::arch::arm::aarch64::AArch64Specifications | Defines specifications about the AArch64 CPU |
Ctriton::arch::arm::aarch64::AArch64Cpu | This class is used to describe the ARM (64-bits) spec |
Ctriton::arch::Architecture | The abstract architecture class |
►Ctriton::arch::arm::arm32::Arm32Specifications | Defines specifications about the Arm32 CPU |
Ctriton::arch::arm::arm32::Arm32Cpu | This class is used to describe the ARM (32-bits) spec |
►Ctriton::arch::arm::ArmOperandProperties | This class is used to represent specific properties of an Arm operand |
Ctriton::arch::Immediate | This class is used to represent an immediate |
Ctriton::arch::Register | This class is used when an instruction has a register operand |
►Cstd::array | |
Cmath::wide_integer::detail::fixed_static_array< MyType, MySize > | |
Ctriton::bindings::python::AstContext_Object | PyAstContext object |
Ctriton::bindings::python::AstNode_Object | PyAstNode object |
Ctriton::ast::representations::AstRepresentation | Pseudo code of SMT AST |
►Ctriton::ast::representations::AstRepresentationInterface | The AST representation interface |
Ctriton::ast::representations::AstPcodeRepresentation | Pseudo Code representation |
Ctriton::ast::representations::AstPythonRepresentation | Python representation |
Ctriton::ast::representations::AstSmtRepresentation | SMT representation |
Ctriton::arch::BasicBlock | This class is used to represent a basic block |
Ctriton::bindings::python::BasicBlock_Object | PyBasicBlock object |
Ctriton::engines::synthesis::BinaryEntry | Entry of the oracle table for binary operators synthesis |
►Ctriton::arch::BitsVector | This class is used to deal with registers and memory as bits vector |
Ctriton::arch::Immediate | This class is used to represent an immediate |
Ctriton::arch::MemoryAccess | This class is used to represent a memory access |
Ctriton::arch::Register | This class is used when an instruction has a register operand |
Ctriton::bindings::python::BitsVector_Object | PyBitsVector object |
Ctriton::callbacks::Callbacks | The callbacks class |
Ctriton::ComparableFunctor< Signature > | |
Ctriton::engines::synthesis::ConstantEntry | Entry of the oracle table for constant synthesis |
Ctriton::Context | This is the main Triton Context class |
►Ctriton::arch::CpuInterface | This interface is used as abstract CPU interface. All CPU must use this interface |
Ctriton::arch::arm::aarch64::AArch64Cpu | This class is used to describe the ARM (64-bits) spec |
Ctriton::arch::arm::arm32::Arm32Cpu | This class is used to describe the ARM (32-bits) spec |
Ctriton::arch::riscv::riscv32Cpu | This class is used to describe the RV32 spec |
Ctriton::arch::riscv::riscv64Cpu | This class is used to describe the RV64 spec |
Ctriton::arch::x86::x8664Cpu | This class is used to describe the x86 (64-bits) spec |
Ctriton::arch::x86::x86Cpu | This class is used to describe the x86 (32-bits) spec |
Cmath::wide_integer::default_random_engine< Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned > | |
►Cutil::dynamic_array< ValueType, AllocatorType, SizeType, DiffType > | |
Cmath::wide_integer::detail::fixed_dynamic_array< MyType, MySize, MyAlloc > | |
Cutil::dynamic_array< MyType, MyAlloc, size_t, ptrdiff_t > | |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
►Ctriton::ast::AbstractNode | Abstract node |
Ctriton::ast::ArrayNode | (Array (_ BitVec indexSize) (_ BitVec 8)) node |
Ctriton::ast::AssertNode | (assert <expr>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BswapNode | (bswap <expr>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvNode | (_ bv<value> <size>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvaddNode | (bvadd <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvandNode | (bvand <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvashrNode | (bvashr <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvlshrNode | (bvlshr <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvmulNode | (bvmul <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvnandNode | (bvnand <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvnegNode | (bvneg <expr>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvnorNode | (bvnor <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvnotNode | (bvnot <expr>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvorNode | (bvor <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvrolNode | ((_ rotate_left rot) <expr>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvrorNode | ((_ rotate_right rot) <expr>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvsdivNode | (bvsdiv <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvsgeNode | (bvsge <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvsgtNode | (bvsgt <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvshlNode | (bvshl <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvsleNode | (bvsle <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvsltNode | (bvslt <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvsmodNode | (bvsmod <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvsremNode | (bvsrem <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvsubNode | (bvsub <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvudivNode | (bvudiv <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvugeNode | (bvuge <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvugtNode | (bvugt <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvuleNode | (bvule <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvultNode | (bvult <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvuremNode | (bvurem <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvxnorNode | (bvxnor <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::BvxorNode | (bvxor <expr1> <expr2>) node |
Ctriton::ast::CompoundNode | [<expr1> <expr2> <expr3> ...] node |
Ctriton::ast::ConcatNode | (concat <expr1> <expr2> ...) node |
Ctriton::ast::DeclareNode | (declare-fun <var_name> () (_ BitVec <var_size>)) node |
Ctriton::ast::DistinctNode | (distinct <expr1> <expr2> ...) node |
Ctriton::ast::EqualNode | (= <expr1> <expr2> ...) node |
Ctriton::ast::ExtractNode | ((_ extract <high> <low>) <expr>) node |
Ctriton::ast::ForallNode | (forall ((x (_ BitVec <size>)), ...) body) |
Ctriton::ast::IffNode | (iff <expr1> <expr2>) |
Ctriton::ast::IntegerNode | Integer node |
Ctriton::ast::IteNode | (ite <ifExpr> <thenExpr> <elseExpr>) |
Ctriton::ast::LandNode | (and <expr1> <expr2>) |
Ctriton::ast::LetNode | (let ((<alias> <expr2>)) <expr3>) |
Ctriton::ast::LnotNode | (lnot <expr>) |
Ctriton::ast::LorNode | (or <expr1> <expr2>) |
Ctriton::ast::LxorNode | (xor <expr1> <expr2>) |
Ctriton::ast::ReferenceNode | Reference node |
Ctriton::ast::SelectNode | (select array index) |
Ctriton::ast::StoreNode | (store array index expr) |
Ctriton::ast::StringNode | String node |
Ctriton::ast::SxNode | ((_ sign_extend sizeExt) <expr>) node |
Ctriton::ast::VariableNode | Variable node |
Ctriton::ast::ZxNode | ((_ zero_extend sizeExt) <expr>) node |
Ctriton::ast::AstContext | AST Context - Used as AST builder |
►Cstd::exception | |
►Ctriton::exceptions::Exception | The root class of all exceptions |
►Ctriton::exceptions::Architecture | The exception class used by architectures |
Ctriton::exceptions::AArch64OperandProperties | The exception class used by shift mode |
Ctriton::exceptions::ArmOperandProperties | The exception class used by shift mode |
Ctriton::exceptions::BasicBlock | The exception class used by a basic block |
Ctriton::exceptions::BitsVector | The exception class used by bitvectors |
►Ctriton::exceptions::Cpu | The exception class used by all CPUs |
Ctriton::exceptions::Disassembly | The exception class used by the disassembler |
Ctriton::exceptions::Semantics | The exception class used by all semantics |
Ctriton::exceptions::Immediate | The exception class used by immediates |
Ctriton::exceptions::Instruction | The exception class used by an instruction |
Ctriton::exceptions::IrBuilder | The exception class used by the IR builder |
Ctriton::exceptions::MemoryAccess | The exception class used by memory access |
Ctriton::exceptions::OperandWrapper | The exception class used by operand wrappers |
Ctriton::exceptions::Register | The exception class used by register operands |
►Ctriton::exceptions::Ast | The exception class used by all AST nodes |
Ctriton::exceptions::AstLifting | The exception class used by all AST lifting (e.g z3 <-> triton ) |
Ctriton::exceptions::AstRepresentation | The exception class used by all AST node representations |
Ctriton::exceptions::Bindings | The exception class used by bindings |
Ctriton::exceptions::Callbacks | The exception class used by callbacks |
Ctriton::exceptions::Context | The exception class used by the Triton's Context |
►Ctriton::exceptions::Engines | The exception class used by all engines |
Ctriton::exceptions::LiftingEngine | The exception class used by the lifting engine |
►Ctriton::exceptions::SolverEngine | The exception class used by the solver engine |
Ctriton::exceptions::SolverModel | The exception class used by solver models |
►Ctriton::exceptions::SymbolicEngine | The exception class used by the symbolic engine |
Ctriton::exceptions::PathConstraint | The exception class used by path constraints |
Ctriton::exceptions::PathManager | The exception class used by the path manager |
Ctriton::exceptions::SymbolicExpression | The exception class used by symbolic expressions |
Ctriton::exceptions::SymbolicSimplification | The exception class used by symbolic simplifications |
Ctriton::exceptions::SymbolicVariable | The exception class used by symbolic variables |
Ctriton::exceptions::SynthesizerEngine | The exception class used by the synthesizer engine |
Ctriton::exceptions::TaintEngine | The exception class used by the taint engine |
Ctriton::exceptions::PyCallbacks | |
►Chash | |
Cstd::hash< triton::arch::register_e > | Define the hash function for register_e to be use in stl containers like unordered_map |
Cstd::hash< triton::modes::mode_e > | Define the hash function for mode_e to be use in stl containers like unordered_set |
Ctriton::IdentityHash< T > | Used as a hash function in hash tables containers (std::unordered_map, robin_map) |
Ctriton::bindings::python::Immediate_Object | PyImmediate object |
Ctriton::arch::Instruction | This class is used to represent an instruction |
Ctriton::bindings::python::Instruction_Object | PyInstruction object |
►Cstd::integral_constant | |
Cmath::wide_integer::is_integral< math::wide_integer::uintwide_t< Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned > > | |
Ctriton::arch::IrBuilder | The IR builder |
►Cstd::is_integral | |
Cmath::wide_integer::is_integral< T > | |
►Ctriton::engines::lifters::LiftingToDot | The lifting to Dot class |
Ctriton::engines::lifters::LiftingEngine | The lifting engine class |
►Ctriton::engines::lifters::LiftingToLLVM | The lifting to LLVM class |
Ctriton::engines::lifters::LiftingEngine | The lifting engine class |
►Ctriton::engines::lifters::LiftingToPython | The lifting to Python class |
Ctriton::engines::lifters::LiftingEngine | The lifting engine class |
►Ctriton::engines::lifters::LiftingToSMT | The lifting to SMT class |
Ctriton::engines::lifters::LiftingEngine | The lifting engine class |
Ctriton::ast::LLVMToTriton | Converts a LLVM IR to a Triton AST |
Ctriton::bindings::python::MemoryAccess_Object | PyMemory object |
Ctriton::modes::Modes | The modes class |
Cmath::wide_integer::detail::native_float_parts< FloatingPointType > | |
Ctriton::engines::synthesis::OpEncoding< N > | This class is used to encode operators and variables ordering |
Ctriton::arch::OperandWrapper | This class is used as operand wrapper |
Cmath::wide_integer::uniform_int_distribution< Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned >::param_type | |
Ctriton::engines::symbolic::PathConstraint | The path constraint class |
Ctriton::bindings::python::PathConstraint_Object | PyPathConstraint object |
►Ctriton::engines::symbolic::PathManager | The path manager class |
Ctriton::engines::symbolic::SymbolicEngine | The symbolic engine class |
CPyModuleDef | |
Ctriton::bindings::python::Register_Object | PyRegister object |
►Ctriton::arch::riscv::riscvSpecifications | Defines specifications about the RV32 and RV64 CPU |
Ctriton::arch::riscv::riscv32Cpu | This class is used to describe the RV32 spec |
Ctriton::arch::riscv::riscv64Cpu | This class is used to describe the RV64 spec |
►Ctriton::arch::SemanticsInterface | This interface is used as abstract semantics interface. All ISA semantics must use this interface |
Ctriton::arch::arm::aarch64::AArch64Semantics | The AArch64 ISA semantics |
Ctriton::arch::arm::arm32::Arm32Semantics | The Arm32 ISA semantics |
Ctriton::arch::riscv::riscvSemantics | The RISCV ISA semantics |
Ctriton::arch::x86::x86Semantics | The x86 ISA semantics |
Ctriton::arch::ShortcutRegister | This is used as a shortcut to access to registers |
Ctriton::engines::solver::SolverEngine | This class is used to interface with solvers |
►Ctriton::engines::solver::SolverInterface | This interface is used to interface with solvers |
Ctriton::engines::solver::BitwuzlaSolver | Solver engine using Bitwuzla |
Ctriton::engines::solver::Z3Solver | Solver engine using z3 |
Ctriton::engines::solver::SolverModel | This class is used to represent a constraint model solved |
Ctriton::bindings::python::SolverModel_Object | PySolverModel object |
Ctriton::engines::symbolic::SymbolicExpression | The symbolic expression class |
Ctriton::bindings::python::SymbolicExpression_Object | PySymbolicExpression object |
►Ctriton::engines::symbolic::SymbolicSimplification | The symbolic simplification class |
Ctriton::engines::symbolic::SymbolicEngine | The symbolic engine class |
Ctriton::engines::symbolic::SymbolicVariable | The symbolic variable class |
Ctriton::bindings::python::SymbolicVariable_Object | PySymbolicVariable object |
Ctriton::engines::synthesis::SynthesisResult | The SynthesisResult engine class |
Ctriton::engines::synthesis::Synthesizer | The Synthesizer engine class |
Ctriton::engines::taint::TaintEngine | The taint engine class |
Ctriton::bindings::python::TritonContext_Object | PyTritonContext object |
Ctriton::ast::TritonToBitwuzla | Converts a Triton's AST to Bitwuzla's AST |
Ctriton::ast::TritonToLLVM | Converts a Triton's AST to LVM IR |
Ctriton::ast::TritonToZ3 | Converts a Triton's AST to Z3's AST |
Cmath::wide_integer::detail::uint_type_helper< BitCount, EnableType > | |
Cmath::wide_integer::detail::uint_type_helper< BitCount, typename std::enable_if<(BitCount >=17U) &&(BitCount<=32U)>::type > | |
Cmath::wide_integer::detail::uint_type_helper< BitCount, typename std::enable_if<(BitCount >=33U) &&(BitCount<=64U)>::type > | |
Cmath::wide_integer::detail::uint_type_helper< BitCount, typename std::enable_if<(BitCount >=9U) &&(BitCount<=16U)>::type > | |
Cmath::wide_integer::detail::uint_type_helper< BitCount, typename std::enable_if<(BitCount<=8U)>::type > | |
Cmath::wide_integer::uintwide_t< Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned > | |
Ctriton::engines::synthesis::UnaryEntry | Entry of the oracle table for unary operators synthesis |
Cmath::wide_integer::uniform_int_distribution< Width2, LimbType, AllocatorType, IsSigned > | |
Cmath::wide_integer::detail::verify_power_of_two< Width2 > | |
Cmath::wide_integer::detail::verify_power_of_two_times_granularity_one_sixty_fourth< Width2 > | |
►Ctriton::arch::x86::x86Specifications | Defines specifications about the x86 and x86_64 CPU |
Ctriton::arch::x86::x8664Cpu | This class is used to describe the x86 (64-bits) spec |
Ctriton::arch::x86::x86Cpu | This class is used to describe the x86 (32-bits) spec |
Ctriton::ast::Z3ToTriton | Converts a Z3's AST to a Triton's AST |